Team Fill Deadline 7/17/24

Hard Fall Racer slots to be released 7/17/24

Hello! You are receiving this email because you are signed up as part of a currently incomplete team (for example your team is registered as a 4-person team but only 3 members are signed up etc.)

In effort to give waitlisted racers reasonable notice and opportunity to sign up, we are setting a deadline of 7/17/24 for any additional teammates to join your team. After this time, we will adjust your team category based on the number registered (i.e. if you signed up as a 4-person team, but only have 3 registered, your category will be adjusted to a 3-person team registration). Anyone registered without a teammate will be refunded in accordance with our refund policy since solo racing is not an option.

If you are seeking additional teammates, we recommend checking out the AR Teammate Finder Group on Facebook.

Lastly, if you already know your team will not fill out completely – please let us know sooner rather than later so we can adjust your category and offer slots to waitlisted racers.

Thank you,

Tom and the GMARA crew