Test Your Nettle Adventure Challenge

Teams of 2-6
Outdoor adventure!
March 2nd, 2019, 5am-3pm
Mt Snow Resort Dover, VT

The Short Intro: The Test Your Nettle Adventure Challenge is an adventure race in which teams of 2-6 members will run and paddle their way through the rugged and beautiful green mountains of Vermont, using only a map and compass to find their way. There will be secret hidden checkpoints to find, obstacles to overcome, and an incredible adventure waiting to be had! Are you up for the challenge?!

A Slightly Longer Intro: At GMARA, we try to design our races so new teams can participate, have fun, and make it to dinner. To be honest though, we realize our longer events can be intimidating. Most GMARA events are 10+ hours of competitive endurance racing, including trekking, biking, paddling, swimming, rock climbing, skiing and snowshoeing. It can be hard to know whether you’re up for a challenge like that!

That’s why we launched the Test Your Nettle Adventure Challenge in 2017 – a shorter event that’ll give you a chance to test yourself, your navigation skills, and your team dynamics before you decide to get lost in the woods for a full day. This is a great event for new racers, friends and family, younger kids, and anyone who wants to experiment and see what this sport is all about. If you’re a regular, this is the perfect opportunity to bring someone new and help them get their feet wet.


1. a herbaceous plant that has jagged leaves covered with stinging hairs.
2. irritate or annoy (someone).


1. a person’s ability to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way.


Mettle (with an M) is the courage to carry on. If someone wants to “test your mettle” they want to see if you have the heart to follow through when the going gets tough. Many GMARA racers have walked through fields of stinging nettle (with an N) – some accidentally, some on purpose because it’s the fastest route. Fields of nettle can test your mettle.

What will I be doing? For the 2024 Test Your Nettle Adventure Challenge, we’re keeping things pretty simple – The course will be a trekking only event (both on and off trails).

When and where will the be happening? The event will take place Sunday August 18th 2024 at Mt. Snow Resort in Dover, VT.

How far might I be going? As far as you want! That’s the beauty of orienteering/adventure racing, there is no set course, so you can go as little or as far as you want! You will be starting and finishing from the same point. We anticipate there would be more than enough to keep even the speediest of racers busy for the full 3 hours, but also plenty of nearby options for those planning to move at a more casual pace.

What Categories/Divisions are there? No categories. This is low key – no prizes or champions to be crowned. Just a fun excuse to learn about adventure racing, practice your navigation and get some exercise. Show up, sign a waiver, head off in the mass start at 9AM and let us know when you’re back! We’ll collect passports and post results, but that’s about it!

I’ve never done something like this, how hard is it? You’ll have to decide how much training and physical preparation is required for 3 hours of adventure, but if you’re comfortable with a hike of the same duration you should feel ready to join in the fun. A team of new racers can expect to be out there for the full time, and likely won’t have enough time to find all the secret checkpoints. 3 hours may seem like a long time but ask any adventure racer and they’ll tell you it flies by a lot faster than you want or expect!

I’ve done other GMARA races like the Bitter Pill, how does this compare?

Some things stay the same as other GMARA events:

  • Navigation with map & compass
  • Great terrain
  • Team-based adventure — groups of at least 2 people, staying together for the whole event

Other things will be adjusted:

  • No prizes or post race feast
  • Shorter race length (3 hours)
  • No mountain bikes required. Trek only
  • Significantly lower price
  • More flexible team size (2-6 people)
  • Later start time (no waking up for a 4:30 a.m. start!)
  • Reduced gear list


Race Check-in/Start/Finish Location: Mt. Snow Resort, Dover, VT

Sunday, August 18th: 7:30-8:45AM
Race Start:
Sunday, August 18th: 9AM
Race Cutoff:
Sunday, August 18th: 12PM

You’ll still need to be prepared, even if you’re not deep in the backcountry for a full day. This is gear that you’d want on any outdoor adventure, so even if you have to shop for a space blanket it’s still a wise $2 investment.

Mandatory Team Gear (1 per team, must be carried through the entire event):

  • Pencil/pen
  • Watch (don’t want to be late!)
  • Compass (declinating compass recommended)
  • Basic First aid supplies. We suggest:
    • 1” bandages
    • 3″x4” gauze pads
    • 2″x5yd gauze roll
    • 1/2” adhesive tape roll
    • Tweezers
    • Anti-bacterial creme/towelettes
    • Ibuprofen
    • Alternatively something like the Adventure Medical Kit 0.5 is a great all in one kit to consider.

Mandatory Individual Gear (1 per racer, must carried or worn during the entire event):

  • Backpack (can be as big or small as needed to carry your food/water etc)
  • Container for at least two litres of fluid
  • Food to last the duration of the race
  • Whistle

Occasionally racers ask if they’re allowed to bring things not on our gear list – absolutely! Nothing that gives an unfair advantage, but the items above are just a starting point. Here’s a short list of other recommended gear to consider:

  • Hat (for sun & bugs)
  • Sunscreen & bugspray
  • Duct tape
  • Extra Change of Clothes
  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Antihistamine (benadryl) tablets or topical gel
  • Cell phone & a waterproof case (but see the electronics policy)


Here's the latest news about this race:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can team members split up and go do different sections of the race? All team members must stay together at all times during the race, so no.

How are teams ranked? Teams are ranked by the number of checkpoints they successfully find. In the event of a tie, the team which did it faster is ranked higher.

So you’re saying I should stay out in the woods till I find all the checkpoints, no matter how long it takes? Nope. We’d really rather not have to send out a search party, plus you lose one checkpoint for every minute you’re late (after 12PM you’re late)

Are maps provided or do we have to bring our own? All maps will be provided, and will be pre-marked with the secret checkpoint locations.

Will we have to plot UTM Coordinates on our map? No, maps are pre-plotted.

Will water be available at transition areas? Yes, we plan to have a limited supply of water available for you at the start/finish.

Will we have access to gear we leave in our vehicles after the race starts? Sure. though you would have to go out of your way a little to stop by your vehicle, so it’s always easiest to just bring everything you think you may need for the duration of the race.

Can we add a team member to our team after we register? Yes! Just have them join your team on runsignup.

I’d love to do this race, but I’m having trouble finding teammates, can you help? Check out the Adventure Race Teammate finder Facebook Page.

I’m new to adventure racing, where can I get more information about this sport? We recommend checking out the United States Adventure Racing Association website for all things AR, and the “New to AR” page specifically for tips on getting into the sport.


Team # Division NameRacers
34CNettle of iron, buns of steelJessie Brennan, Zach Brennan, Steve Waterman, Courtney Waterman
24CNettle DetectorsChristopher Constantino, Scott Frison, Tom McGrimley, Sara McGrimley
164CUnauthorized WalkaboutClaire Kozik, Aion Feehan, Grace Kozik, Dave Eypper
43MStinkButtSteven Zummo, Jeffrey Butler, Alfonso Zummo
103MCherry Pie on StandbyBrandt Scott, Pete Westover, Tim Westover
52CSolvitur ambulandoMichael Leyden, Sara Granstrom
62CTeam AwesomeAlli Bologna, Keith Wendrychowicz
112CTeam 474Katrina Antonovich, Ken Paulson
172CShady GroveJordan Duffy, Brianna Fischer
72FAcetamino-winBrianna Mahon, Kara Henry
92FNot Lost, Just ConfusedPaula Griesacker, Jessica Cauley
82FLas BrujasHeather Ashey, Rachel Hume
142FLost in the WoodsJen Moran, Nicole Pellitier
132MHook's TrekkersAndrew Hook, Zachary Hook
122MOver The HillsChristopher Provost, Jeff Labonte
152MOcean ExplorersJesse Mechling, Rafael Mechling

Totals: 2C:4, 2F:4, 2M:3, 3M:2, 4C:3


Registration is closed for the previous event and not open for possible future events. If you'd like to be notified when things are planned, sign up for email from the contact page.

For reference, these were the rates for the previous event:
  • May 22 - Jun 30: $35 per racer.
  • Jul 01 - Jul 31: $40 per racer.
  • Aug 01 - Aug 31: $45 per racer.
  • Sep 01 - Oct 03: $45 per racer. No shirts available