Frigid 2015 Shirts

For the men’s shirt, we’re sticking with the UltraClub 1/4-zip pullover that we’ve used a couple times in the past. Racers and volunteers seem happy with the fit, it seems to be what everyone expects (size, cut, etc) from a men’s wicking T.

For the women’s shirt, we’re going with the Badger Ladies’ long-sleeve v-neck that we used for Frigid 2012 and 2013. If you want a snug-fitting women’s cut, it’s a nice shirt.

Currently selected shirt sizes will be indicated in the table below, with S M L XL indicating men’s shirts, and WS WM WL WXL indicating women’s shirts.
If you want something different, contact directly to get the list updated.

We’re happy to order any shirt for anybody – some women want shirts cut to fit, and some have told us they prefer the color and style of the men’s shirt. Some people have plenty of race shirts already, and want to pick something up for a spouse or a child. If you want an extra shirt, let us know that too – extras of either shirt will be $20 (that’s the actual cost – we’re not making a profit).

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